Health Department
Scott County Health Department
204 S. College
Scott City, KS 67871
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8-12 pm and 1-5 pm
Closed Holidays
Phone: 620-872-5774
Fax: 620-872-2314
The Scott County Health Department's mission is to prevent disease and injury, promote and protect the health of the people of Scott County and surrounding areas.
Services include:
Immunizations for children and adults, including flu and pneumonia, Hemoglobin, Lead, blood sugar finger sticks, and urinalysis dipstick screenings. WIC (woman, infants, and children program). Health equipment to loan as available. Homemaker/personal care attendant programs through Southwest Area on Aging. Hearing and Vision Screenings. Children Health Assessments for KanBeHealthy, Kindergarten, preschool, daycare, and head start. STI/testing and treatment. Water Well Testing by Appointment. Provide education and resources for communicable disease tracking. Provide support and education for preparing for emergencies. Applications for Kancare are available.
Administrator, RN
Edith Tarango R.N. Admin.
Edith Tarango RN/Administrator
Shanaya Couchman RN
Tonja Lebbin, RN
Stephanie James, RN
Olivia Enriquez, Office Clerk
Claudia Rodgriguez Billing Clerk
Tia Heinrich CNA/Attendant Care Provider