Genealogy Informaiton

Sometimes land records may be the only source for finding out the date of death and general genealogy. Register of Deeds offices holds a gold mine of information for the genealogist.

Deeds: Deeds can list the wife's maiden name, heirs, relationships, location, time frame, marital status. Be sure to check notary location and time on deeds when purchased and sold. It may lead you to other counties or states.

Exec Deed: Sometimes list children (or other heirs) which leads to a court record.

Guardian Deed: List guardian which will lead to a court record.

Land Patents: Location and homestead number which leads to Bureau of Land Management for the application to homestead. The application can give name change or spelling change, date of death, even torn-out pages from the family bibles.

Miscellaneous: Affidavits of death, family settlements, identity affidavits, pre-nuptial agreements, marriage bonds, etc...

Cemetery Records: The location of the cemetery can help with the location of family lands, dates of death, and other family members. (may vary from county to county)

Old Plat Maps: Can give locations and surrounding areas. 

School Records: Lists for children and ages.

Teacher Records: Salary, education, school, and grades taught.

Military Records: Various information (must fill out a request form for this information)

Please feel free to come into the office anytime and check out your family history.

Bureau of Land Management 

Kansas State Historical Society

US National Archives & Records Administration